- Personal coaching for serious runners. - Limited number available - Virtual coaching includes training manual - Annual training based on your running and/or race goals. - Incorporate other races with peak for goal race. - Training also includes Trail, Ultra, Triathlon, etc.. - Complimentary V.O2 Calendar with personal profile and ongoing pace updates -Plans downloaded to V.O2 Calendar and linked to other running apps e.g. Strava, Garmin, Apple, Cronos -Race day strategy and advice -Training monitored with feedback - Includes running specific core strength training and drills -Unlimited email and private Messenger access. -Other Communication as needed. Typical Aerobic Base Training week: Monday - recover/cross train Tuesday - 20 Minute warmup + 2 x 10 minutes out and back + 20 Min CD Wednesday - 40 mins- Chatty pace recovery Thursday - 60 minute Medium long with 6 X 10 second sparkles. Friday - Recover/Cross train Saturday - 40 mins Easy Sunday - 90 mins Long Run
Permission to train from health provider. Training will be based on your current fitness and overall goals from completed sign-up questionnaire.. Athletes should be capable of running steady for 60 minutes at own pace. Training is included to reach your steady 60 minutes.
unlimited emails, unlimited text-messages
I am retired after over 40 years experience as a National award winning Investment Advisor and Portfolio Manager. I am a member and past president of the Rotary Club of St. John's NW. As a recipient of the True Rotarian Award, I demonstrate a community life of providing "Service above Self". I enjoy running, coaching, reading, golf, travel, and walking. Most of all I enjoy spending time with our young grandchildren, Charlie and Hannah. I provide virtual certified coaching with timely communication. I believe running is part of a healthy lifestyle that leads to a happy life!
View complete bioTraining available on Android and iOS.
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