Designed for the athlete (high school to masters) interested in gaining speed and strength at the 800/1500/1600/3000m distances. Coach Sue incorporates anaerobic and aerobic training to create a powerful and speedy middle-distance runner. Coach Sue will conduct a consultation either via phone, Zoom video conference, or Facetime to gather important information such as fitness background, time availability to train, your “why” and goals. This consultation is necessary so that Coach Sue can develop a customized 10k training plan. Self-motivation and individual commitment are required for this plan, as there is no additional communication available after the plan is uploaded to the athlete's VDOT O2 calendar. Any questions or concerns will be discussed thoroughly in the initial consultations.
Motivation to follow individualised training plan on one's own and update VDOT O2 profile.
No additional communication
Runner and coach based out of Central California. Sue continues to pursue her running career as a world class masters 400/800 meter runner while coaching privately online and locally. Sue grew up in the San Fernando Valley and moved to Santa Barbara where she ran her first marathon in 2000 followed by many road races, triathlons and cycling races eventually earning Santa Barbara’s Masters Athlete of the Year.
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