We provide online running coaching to anyone in Japan or elsewhere wishing to improve their times in distances from 3000 meters to the Marathon. The service fee is for a month of set schedules and running workouts designed for the clients unique situation using the online VDOTO2 training calendar. We also help with the logistical details for those wishing to run a race of any distance in Japan for no extra charge. Also part of the monthly service coach Scott will be available to contact with feedback anytime on "WhatsApp", "Line" or similar.
No Minimum Requirements
unlimited emails, unlimited text-messages, 1 call per month
Expat Australian, University teacher, long term resident of Asia and Japan. Ex-surfer, rugby player, present running coach and competitive masters’ marathoner. Living in Osaka, Japan with my wife and our two sons. I have an ongoing interest in writing, teaching, and learning. Last year I wrote a book (Samurai Running) that explained my thoughts on running and training philosophy. Available on Amazon.
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