Not sure you are ready for 1:1 coaching? The tailored training plan option is a monthly subscription where you get a plan created personalized to you and your training. Each month the coach will upload another month of training based on your progress the month prior, etc. Athletes will get a monthly plan uploaded into their app, and feedback on one run per week in app from the coach. This is more than downloading a plan from google, but less than full blown 1:1 coaching- perfect for getting your feet wet into customized training!
1 email per week, 1 call per month
Ruth lives outside of Dallas, TX. She has a passion for helping runners new to the sport, or new to a certain distance, gain confidence and experience through training that feels exciting and unique to them. Ruth believes everyone can run, and that open communication and the coach/athlete relationship is vital to the success of her athletes.
View complete bioTraining available on Android and iOS.
Sync data from popular fitness devices and apps
Charged after 7-day trial