Tested and proven by college athletes. This program will challenge your best to be better and pull the grit out of you. Spanning 14 weeks this is a 6 to 7 day program depending on what your goal is. Multiple Quality days and lots of hills the end goal of this program is to discover your PR
A minimum of 40 miles a week is required and must have ran at least 4 days over 10 miles in the last month. I do need a runner profile filled out as well as a way to view your workouts. I.e. garmin, suunto or something of the like that will allow me to track the analytics of your workouts. If in the Omaha Metro can work 1 in person session in a month
unlimited emails, unlimited text-messages, 1 call per week
We strive to help athletes of all levels achieve and exceed their goals. Running is a sport that takes time, effort, and dedication. It brings ups and downs and always teaches life lessons. I take pride in joining athletes on their journey from the starting line to the finish line and partnering with them in all of life's ups and downs along the way.
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