I offer completely customized run coaching based on your individual abilities and goals. To begin, I will send you a questionnaire so that I have some guidelines about your current paces and schedule, and what goals you would like to pursue. We will then have an initial phone call to be sure that we are on the same page as we move forward. I will create a personalized training calendar that will include workouts, easy runs, rest and/or cross training, all geared toward making you a stronger runner and accessible to you at all times through the VDOT app and/or website. Nothing is done through a template or generic training plan. I’ll review each workout and provide feedback that will guide you throughout the week. Key workouts and races will allow us to check in on your capabilities and tweak the workouts accordingly. Constant and open communication will allow for flexibility and adjustments in the plan without compromising your progress toward whatever your fitness goals may be!
Enthusiasm, motivation, and willingness to communicate!
unlimited emails, unlimited text-messages
I have been running pretty much non-stop for the past 30 years, and I've trained for and completed many races of various distances from the 5k to the 50k (including several marathons, one Boston). I'm also a single mom of 3 kids, so I fully understand the need for flexibility in a training plan! Coaching at its best is a collaboration and conversation, so I encourage constant feedback from my athletes as we go.
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