Training Plan & Private Coaching Includes: • Initial Email Consultation • Initial Phone Consultation • Evaluation of Racing (if applicable), Training History, & Current Running Level via Athlete Questionnaire • Assessment & Development of Future Racing &/or Training Goals • Creation of Individualized Training Plan, Updated Weekly & Available in VDOT app • Adaption of Training Plan to Changes in Fitness, Feedback Provided from Athlete, &/or Life Circumstances • Communication via VDOT app, email, &/or text • Race Day Plan (if applicable) • Race Day Nutrition/Hydration Suggestions
Minimum requirements are women interested in working with a running coach. The goals of training with a coach could include an “A” goal race (5K up to Marathon) or simply be a personal goal (i.e., consistently running x miles per week). Running ability can range from novice (just starting) to experienced.
unlimited emails, 1 text-message per day, 1 call per week
I have been a distance runner since high school. My love of and dedication to running, the experience I have had as an athlete with my current coach, and experience as a coach for my children’s elementary school track club has inspired me to continue to immerse myself in the sport and to pursue my own coaching opportunities and relationships.
View complete bioTraining available on Android and iOS.
Sync data from popular fitness devices and apps
Charged after 10-day trial